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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/16 in all areas

  1. The guy said i am hacking
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Happy birthday to the person who banned Krav why did he get unbaned? xD jks
    2 points
  5. Me and @Cooper's Freightmaster share the same Birthday! Happy Birthday!
    2 points
  6. These mudflaps are perfect for multiplayer!
    2 points
  7. ^ 1. Smoothing distance работает примерно так. Сначала, на максимальной дальности, загружается не сама модель, а её LOD(облегчённая и менее детальная модель грузовика/прицепа). По мере приближения к вам грузовика/прицепа, LOD заменяется на обычную детализированную(ту что вы видите вблизи) модель. LOD-ов в модели несколько. Чем ближе модель к вам тем более детальный LOD загружается. Образно говоря: Но, если у вас включен параметр Force low detail, то на любом расстоянии от вас в поле вашего зрения загружается облегчённая и менее детализированная модель. 2. Sound effects. конкретное влияние не знаю. Всегда у меня включена. 3. Draw distance. 150-300м(вроде такие там значения). Ползунком выбираете то расстояние на котором в поле вашего зрения(не в Tab) появиться другой игрок. В плане производительности особой разницы не увидел. 4. Force low detail. Все модели грузовиков/прицепов имеют низкое качество в плане количества полигонов. Менее детализированные. 5. Headlights. Включает/отключает свет фар игроков. Влияет на отображение света фар на дороге/земле/объектах. То есть, если отключить, вы будете видеть свет самих фар на грузовике, но не будете видеть его на поверхности дороги/земли/объектах.
    2 points
  8. You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.
    1 point
  9. Searched the whole suggestion section, did not find any previous suggestion about the same issue. Suggestion Name: Auto kick for car with trailer Suggestion Description: When a player picks up a trailer in a car, or tries to join the server in a car with a trailer attached, the server automatically kicks the player. Any example images: N/A. Just an auto kick, graphics should be the same as a normal kick message. Why should it be added?: Car+trailer is against the rules, can cause damage on roads if not dealt with in time, and sometimes really gets stuck in between of a "ban or not" situation.
    1 point
  10. Hi guys, We did it! We hit a major milestone of 1,000,000 registered users on TruckersMP. Thank you everyone for this as it's been a blast and it means so much to us that you guys are playing. Thanks, TruckersMP Team
    1 point
  11. Como corrigir o bug da sobreposição do chat. Alguma vez você já abriu o bate-papo e em seguida precisou de um "Shift+Tab" para poder reiniciar o jogo, devido ao congelamento da tela causado pela sobreposição do chat, de modo que não era possivel sair da Pausa ou acessar qualquer menu do jogo. 1- Abra ATS ou ETS2. 2- Com o jogo aberto, vá para Opções, selecione Teclas e Botões, e mude a configuração de Controle por Mouse o Supervisor de Rotas. Para usuários de teclado, recomendo que atribua essa função à roda do mouse "Para Cima" (Wheel Up) ou "Para Baixo" (Wheel Down), pois o teclado não consegue enviar quaisquer comandos quando a sobreposição do bate-papo congela após o Shift+Tab. Se você joga com um volante pode atribuir outro botão, ou simplesmente usar a roda do mouse também, para conseguir sair do menu de Pausa sem ter que reiniciar o jogo. Isso foi testado por mim, posso dizer que funciona 100%, eu era capaz de sair da pausa do jogo e fechar o chat sem precisar reiniciar. Créditos: @rfoster327 Tradução: @DiegoLBC1 Topico original: Veja aqui
    1 point
  12. Hello, new update is here. Changelog: Fixed lags caused by Flags DLC Added ghost mode Network optimizations Support for Mighty Griffin DLC Support for Korean Paint Jobs Pack DLC Support for Chinese Paint Jobs Pack DLC Happy trucking! mwl4
    1 point
  13. Attention GTA players: Three free cars are available with the new update if you are a returning player from 360/PS3. Get them while you can!
    1 point
  14. There is only a 6 difference between my rep and content count If only I could get it even XD
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1. Dlaczego ban był pierwszy niż nagranie? Ponieważ to materiał administratora, który go nadawał. Ban został nadany w grze, a następnie po pewnym czasie ban został zaktualizowany o dowód, dlatego data dodania jest późniejsza niżeli sam ban. 2. W tym konkretnym przypadku to tak jak @ElectroMusic! musiało nastąpić odwołanie od bana ze skutkiem pozytywnym, ale dlaczego zostało to dokładnie tak rozwiązane? Nie mam pojęcia.
    1 point
  17. Best answer selected. Topic locked & moved to solved.
    1 point
  18. Aktualnie występują problemy z czasem na wszystkich serwerach we wszystkich grach. Aktualizacja: Problem rzekomo został właśnie rozwiązany.
    1 point
  19. Co do drugiego. Gracz prawdopodobnie mógł się odwołać i dostał szybkiego unbana a ban z powodem został bez zmian.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. https://splixz.de/truckersmpchecker/ done with the main features
    1 point
  22. Gr8 m8 , happy birthday.
    1 point
  23. Happy birthday buddy, by the amount of times you have pulled me over in convoys haha
    1 point
  24. Gotta say "Happy b-day!", because you got a damn nice DAF there!
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. GG@MrHarv http://prntscr.com/bryupv xDDDDDD
    1 point
  27. ^ S'ils ne possèdent pas le DLC tant pis pour eux, c'est dommage de ne pas pouvoir l'utiliser car il est utile dans un event de ce genre. Dans les Truckfest IRL il y a de nombreux Scania personnalisés, il te suffit de taper "Truckfest" sur google image et tu verras. Sinon oui à la limite l'autoriser sur le forum est une bonne alternative si ça te tiens à cœur que tout le monde puisse partir sur un pied d'égalité. Pour déclarer un convoi/meeting c'est par ici: http://ets2c.com/ Ça change pas de d'habitude, 80% des camions qu'ont croise sont des Scania, surtout depuis la sortie du DLC
    1 point
  28. Brilliant Very talented Great Show
    1 point
  29. while everyone's enjoying the beginning of summer holidays, but i'm still sitting in my own room, studying boring stuff..... I can only use this to describe the situation...
    1 point
  30. Wszystkie Twoje reporty Robercik zostają. Tam gdzie je składasz tam i możesz je oglądać.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. To jedyne wyjście to format albo zmień grę... jak dajemy Ci jakiś pomysł na rozwiązanie problemu to chociaż byś sprawdził czy działa, ale nie to nie. Tak to się nigdy nie dowiemy co powoduje rozlaczanie z grą...
    1 point
  33. good morning community truckersmp
    1 point
  34. It's a winter wonderland here in the Adelaide Hills today.
    1 point
  35. Звук заднего хода у игроков МП отключается через настройки МП. Ваш звук отключается через настройки игры.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. SCS nin yaptığı açıklamaya göre ecs ets 2 ye dlc olarak gelecek. Benim merak ettiğim nokta şu ets 2 ye dlc olarak gelince dlc yi almış olanlar kullanabilecek ama mp de dlc yi almamış olanlar bu otobüsleri nasıl görecek acaba ? Topic inactive.Locked and Archived.
    1 point
  38. Setra 516 HD mp de olsa keşke şu otobüs modları
    1 point
  39. konu açmasına gerek yok. yoğunluktan dolayı adminler hemen bakmazlar itirazlara. biraz sabretmelisin ki bir admin durduk yere de ban atmaz. Eğer suçun sabitse hiç uğraşma derim.
    1 point
  40. Huge shout to everyone who attended the 7/7 memorial convoy hosted by GDS! 80+ trucks here today!
    1 point
  41. This can by done very easily by checking if the vehicle data accessory is skoda and if player sends some trailer data the kick happens. Technical aspect is not hard to implement. However I will not do kick - i will simply cancel the job on client and give him message that he cannot take job with this type of vehicle OR simply block job selection screens :-). And simply if user hacks the client and still have trailer i will not receive his trailer data so network players will not see it at all. I like the idea.
    1 point
  42. anladım benim diyeceklerim bu kadar ek olarak ekran kartını güncelle bir de silip yüklemeyi dene ets yi düzelir inş.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I feel like I need to make a point that blocking is still against the rules and staff can not give you permission to block the road or racetrack from other users shy of an official event.
    1 point
  45. Ben atarlı filan değilim 2 dir aynı şeylerle uğraşıyorum suçsuz yere banlamalar. bir de bana söylenen speedhack yapılmış europa 2 de bunu söylemeyin o zaman söyleyin ki hata olmuş olabilir.Araştırılıp düzeltilir.Eğer suçluysa banlayın 1 ay 2 ay bende destekliyeyim sizi ama suçsuz yere banlayıpta gelip bana ve bize hakaret etmeye hakkınız yok http://hizliresim.com/92Q0XObakabilirsiniz.
    1 point
  46. lütfen tekrar kontrol eder misiniz ?
    1 point
  47. [iGA] Max Power left the team due to personal matters.
    1 point
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